Thursday, July 17, 2008

hello. Been a while since I updated...
Major events to update
Here we go...

1) sister went home early. Home sick/ sick of my dad (she's a meany)

2) got a fender strat electric guitar :)

3) can play the begining of a lot of songs

4) got 2 new skateboards. One is a long board the other is normal

5) going to see bat man at 12:00

6) is pumped for school at valor ( my mom is being ... Never mind)

7) I really want the black parade is dead mcr live DVD

1 comment:

Morgan Mars said...

1) lulz. What happened?

2) O: Sweetness, dawg.

3) As can I on piano~ ;D

4) What are the pros and cons of both? o:

5) LUCKYs.kfjghaslkghvlkadsfhg.sdfhjgljkjsdf.gjs.kjdfjgh.jkfdjhgkjadf.hfgk.asdhfg.khdf.gkjdzf.kfhg.jk
Dude. My sister would've got 2 tics to a prescreening if she had answered the phone during WWE Monday Night Raw. X:

6) *is not so pumped for Lassiter* Happy for you though! :D

7) AsdoI. x: