Friday, June 20, 2008


I may have come to a final decision after much begging from my mom, to move to Colorado and to go to valor Christian high school. (

I had to throw out legal junk I researched to my mom, and she final gave way and accepted that I know what is good for me. I love my mom and stuff but I just can't live in the rural bucolic that is Athens. I need the city and a Christian school...
I barely even know my step dad and his son and it all just happened to fast for me. i'm sAd to leave friends and all but I will visit them when I can and what not. I just really need this.

Typing fast on iPods sucks.


Anonymous said...

Happy for Tregg~!
And stuff.

Sad for Gabe.
Who will miss Tregg.

Guess you're going to have to blog some more.
And post pictures and videos and crap.
And art.

Tregg "The Flyingape" said...

Will do Gabe.