okay, so I am literally blogging from my iPod touch... Anyways, that's way off subject.
It's late and stuff and I'm officially in Colorado. Spent the weekend after my mom's wedding at my brother's apartment. Just flew in... To CO. When I was in the Atlanta airport I got 3 comments on my gorillaz t shirt; one comment was right before boarding and the guy said "Great band man."
No, i'm not bragging about my awesome shirt. I'm saying this shirt probably got me some money and a job...
As always I drew in my sketch book while in the plane and was listening to my iPod. We landed and I packed up my junk, and the guy who said something about my shirt said to me "Man, are those original drawings you have in that book?" and I, of course said ya, and he said " Well, I'm an artist and I've been looking for cover art, so when I get off I'll wait up for you and get some info."
Sure enough, he waited and said "First of all, you got my attention when I saw your shirt. The are like my all-time favorite hybrid band. Then on the plane when I was bored as s*** ya know I couldn't help but look over and see your stuff."
So in the end be said he was making a hybrid hippy hippy type band with his crew here in Denver and was looking around and saw that everything else was flat, and that mine had inspiration. He wants me to do cover art for him on their album. I gave him my number and name...
I hope that works out well...
Typing this took forever due to the fact I'm on an iPod using one finger... At least I did it...