Monday, March 31, 2008

Yes, another band thingy


Okay, so ya it's another band thing. Wishpool. Check them out. They are good, and super nice guys. Really nice band. I hope they make it big.Quantcast

Yes, another band thingy


Okay, so ya it's another band thing. Wishpool. Check them out. They are good, and super nice guys. Really nice band. I hope they make it big.Quantcast

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Concert! WOOTNESS!

This Monday; the world will never be the same. I am going to an Atreyu/Bullet For MY Valentine/ Bless The Fall/ etc. concert! :D It's gonna be awesome. MOSH PIIIIT!

Not much else to say, but in april, it's the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus concert! :D

Friday, March 14, 2008

An Indirect comment to the world

I want less suffering in this thing we call the world, a home for nothing but hate, where people are left to die for being them. Death here now seems mediocre. So much now has blinded us from the truth. They just want us to get old and die, which is all we could wish for to pay the bills. Hypocrites and liars live on others pain and make their own days go by, still feeling empty inside. Heretics and truth givers? Never. They will tell you the world is bleak and dark, they will tell you it's not worth it, YOUR not worth it. Never listen to the murmur of the evil, or the hate of the loved ones. It's all smoke and mirrors in the end; killing and conceited.

A Dark Image of Happy thoughts

A devil,
Never satisfied,
Never level,
A foe,
Never friendly,
Heart full of woe,
His tear is cold,
His tear is soft,
As he grows old,
His heart is no loft.

I am in art class

I was bored.